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Meet Our Team

The Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) plays a critical role in promoting a positive school culture and fostering strong relationships with students, staff, parents, and the wider community. They work closely with other school administrators, teachers, support staff, and community organizations to ensure that the school is providing high-quality educational opportunities for all students.

The SLT also plays a key role in the professional development of teachers and staff, by providing opportunities for growth and learning, and by promoting a culture of ongoing improvement and excellence. Through regular meetings and discussions, they work to identify areas where the school can improve, and they collaborate on strategies to achieve their goals.

The school SLT is a crucial component of the school's leadership and governance structure, and plays an important role in shaping the future of the school and the students it serves.

  • Ashmee Lamba

    Assistant Principal

    Assistant Principal and Head of Whole School's Academics and Curriculum

    View Profile
  • Tarek Ahmed Mohamed

    Vice Principal

    Head of Assessments and Data

    View Profile
  • Gaber Abdelaziz

    Assistant Principal

    Assistant Principal Arabic A, Arabic B and Islamic

    View Profile
  • Nudrat Azam

    Head of Department

    Head of Inclusion

    View Profile
  • Marjorie Marca

    Head of Department

    Head of Early Years

    View Profile
Stakeholders' Advisory Board Organisational Chart

School Organisational Chart